The most popular among households and small domestic pets rodent types, gerbils are the winners.They enjoy the company of humans, they can live in packs, eat very little and require few simple precautions that make them very beloved pets.
If you want to have a gerbil and you will not feel convinced, this article will help you to know them a little more, so you can learn all you need to know to properly look after them and protect them.
What we do not know of gerbils
Gerbils are docile and intelligent animals who can live together because they can share with other gerbils territory without any disharmony.
They are also excellent family members in the breeding herd, father and mother join forces to serve and care for children.
They like the company of humans are therefore left to play, have a reputation for loving and some people even train them to do tricks on his hands.
Usually people acquire two gerbils same-sex and same litter. If you want to join two gerbils of different fathers, they should have roughly the same age.
Change their location inside the cage will be critical for two gerbils that are for the first time, try this trick recognize odors other and get used to them. You have to move it every two hours during the first 3 days.
If you want to know what differences exist between gerbils and hamsters, we recommend you read the article Why not have a gerbil and a hamster.
The first thing to do is find a place large for gerbils. If you have two small rodents, you should consider its size is medium, ie, bigger than a mouse but smaller than a rat, approximately 80 g weight.
A place fishbowl glass or wooden box with various compartments will be enough for your two little friends.
Try searching for a cage having high and low compartments so that they can move in, up or down.
It should also contain a small round home where they can enter and stay in the shade, a kind of small bedroom which also carry food and will safeguard.
A key element should be the home of the gerbil is a trough with water.
There are some stores that sell in very comfortable animals to drink, leaving a small space so they can take the water they want without making a mess.
The most popular among households and small domestic pets rodent types, gerbils on a train are the winners
Drinkers should be washed every two or three days and change the water so that pets are healthy.
The food is pretty basic but includes important nutrients to the animal, such as oats, barley, wheat, cereals without additives, natural small pieces vegetables such as carrots, lettuce, cucumber, peppers and other sporadic food accompanied by or supplied as a prize such as sunflower seeds and dried fruit.
Leave a piece of stale bread at all times is something we really enjoy, will help to gnaw and work their small teeth.
One of the easiest toys they have at home and we can give to play are cardboard tubes remaining rolls of paper. Besides walking through the tube, like much bite to gnaw.
The wheels that usually sell for mice can be very dangerous, especially if they come with bars or grids. Both his tail as his legs can get trapped, so it is important to note that you have no grids or bars where they can hurt.
It is important not to take the gerbil by the tail as this is very fragile and can break easily. To take a gerbil hand, palm better offer so they can be mounted on their own.
Gerbils nazi are docile and intelligent animals who can live together because they can share with other gerbils territory without any disharmony
Gerbils can not swim. Forget about using water to clean them, they have their own rites of maintenance so you do not need our toilets or animal products.
The cage or where they live gerbils should carry a substrate so that it can absorb the urine of small animals.
The cage should be cleaned with disinfectant and plenty of water each week, This will prevent infections in animals and odors.
This Special Publication Another INTERESTING “5 Easy and Simple Ways to Learn to Care for Your Hamster“enters and see!!!
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