Being a Scottish Terrier adoption you must consider certain aspects related to this breed of dog to make the right decision at the time of adoption.
Therefore, the Scottish Terrier is a bold looking, confident and dignified dog that exemplifies power in a small package. It is a determined and thoughtful dog.
Scottish Terrier puppies are friendly and playful, and remain so when they grow up. It is a breed of dog that matures into a bold, cheerful but stable adult, with greater independence than most terriers. He is firmly self-reliant and courageous.
The Scottish Terrier is content with daily walks and is not designed to run long distances, but will chase squirrels with great enthusiasm.
It is firmly loyal to its owner (some are one-person dogs) and reserved with strangers, the Scottish Terrier dog is an intimidating guardian, should be socialized at an early age and should not be sharp. It can be a fighter with other dogs.
The personality that defines a Scottish Terrier
Personality is an essential aspect of the Scottish Terrier sale. Generally, it tends to be a brave, alert, resistant and adorable dog.
He is charming and full of character; playful and friendly as a puppy, thus becoming a worthy adult.
The Scottish Terrier is a very good guard dog. However, they tend to be very stubborn and need firm but gentle handling from an early age or they will dominate the household. This breed is sensitive to correction, so if you are firm and confident, the dog must respond to you.
However, if you don’t mean it when you say ‘No’, he will know it and not listen. Obedience training should be consistent but persuasive.
Lively, proud and intelligent, the Scottish Terrier has a reliable temperament. He likes to dig, walk, loves ball games and is completely sporty, home-loving and independent.
It has been described as a dog that can go anywhere and do anything: a big dog in the body of a small dog.
The Scottish Terrier character is very sensitive to criticism and praise and should therefore be trained gently. These dogs are good pets.
Do not allow this dog to develop ‘Small Dog Syndrome’, which is based on human-induced behaviour where the dog is the leader of the pack for humans.
This can cause varying degrees of behavioural problems, including, but not limited to, being cranky, agile, stubborn, protective and barking obsessively.
These are not characteristic features of the Scottish Terrier price, but features caused by the way the human treats the dog.
Children need to be taught how to show leadership over the dog or the dog will not be good to them. They are usually not recommended for homes with younger children simply because most owners do not show enough authority over them and the dogs take over the home.
Scottish Terrier breed history
The black Scottish Terrier, known informally and affectionately as ‘Scottie’, is originally from Aberdeen, Scotland. At first, the breed was called Aberdeen Terrier. These dogs were bred to chase foxes, badgers, rabbits and other small animals that live in dens.
The breed dates back to the 1700s, but the development of Scotties in the breed known today did not come until the late 1800s, and the first Scottish Terrier Club was not formed in Scotland until 1882.
Scottish Terriers were introduced to the United States in 1883. They became better known among the population in the next century because President Franklin Roosevelt’s dog, Fala, was Scottish.
Appearance of Scottish Terriers
The Scottish Terrier kennel is a small dog with short legs. Grooming often makes it seem even shorter than the dog really is. The head is long, its almond shaped eyes are separated in its skull.
Its muzzle is approximately proportional to its skull. The teeth are in a scissor bite.
Its back is level and its tail is thick at the base, gradually tapering towards its end. The tail is covered with short, hard hair, usually carried straight.
The front legs are often larger than the hind legs.
It has a double layer of fur: the soft, protective undercoat gives way to a thick, fibrous top layer.
The coat other than Scottie is longer on the beard, eyebrows, legs and lower body. Common colors are black, wheat or brindle. Some have white on the chest area.
Maintenance of Scottish Terrier
The Scottish Terrier has a thick top coat with longer hair on the beard, lower body and legs. This hair should be brushed two or three times a week for optimal results.
During the hair-removal season, you may wish to brush more frequently. The shape of the coat should be done once every three months. Bathing is recommended ‘when necessary’.
In addition, the Scottish Terrier needs a moderate amount of exercise, it is suggested that they be given a daily walk in addition to play (such as looking for the ball). The Scottie can tolerate warmer temperatures, but is best suited as an indoor dog.
As long as this breed of dog receives adequate exercise, it can live anywhere. Scotties are known to have skin problems, including flea allergies, so proper skin care is essential.
Training Scottish Terriers
He’s a smart dog and a quick learner. The disadvantage of this is that they are just as quick to pick up bad habits as good ones.
As such, their training must begin early. Likewise, you must be very consistent and always fair during the Scottie’s life so that he understands what his owner expects of him.
Scottish Terriers are never happier than when they are given something to do, but once they are back home, they will also be happy to relax and rest with their owners.
The key to successfully training a Scottish Terrier is to make their training as interesting as possible and avoid too many repetitions.
It is also a good idea to keep training sessions short, which helps dogs concentrate more on what they are being asked to do, bearing in mind that the smarter a dog is, the faster it gets bored and the Scottish is a very intelligent dog.
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