Canine arthritis does your dog no longer enjoys exercising?, Did it cost to make everyday movements such as climbing stairs or lie?
The elderly and overweight carry some restriction of movement and loss of quality of life but in no case must exist symptoms of suffering and pain.
Osteoarthritis in dogs, as in people, is a degenerative joint disease that is progressive and causes pain in them.
As the process progresses the cartilage that lines the inside of the joint and even the bone itself is degraded.
Lose elasticity affected joints, causing pain and prevent the animal to move normally, substantially reducing their quality of life.
Once osteoarthritis appears, if not as soon as possible establishes a program for pain management prevent further progression of the disease, the process inevitably worsen, complicating the treatment of symptoms and becoming increasingly difficult and painful life your dog.
Canine osteoarthritis is common in elderly dogs, regardless of age race and sex. But really any dog at any age can suffer pain due to osteoarthritis.
Age alone is not the cause of the disease, but it usually occurs as a result of suffering abnormal wear of articular cartilage over time because of a preexisting impairment (dysplasia, trauma, joint surgery, overexertion articulate, etc.).
Indeed canine osteoarthritis can also occur at younger ages, after some trauma, or in dogs that suffer from a hereditary malformation.
Moreover, obese dogs are more prone to arthritis by continuous stress on joints.
The joint pain and stiffness and therefore the difficulty, lameness and even intolerance to movement in the later stages of canine osteoarthritis symptoms are indicative of disease.
At first canine osteoarthritis is difficult to detect since dogs compensate for changes experienced by the affected joint by shifting weight to a healthy or avoiding exert great pressure on it, so in the early stages of the disease may you (and even, sometimes, the professional veterinary clinic staff themselves) do not realize that the animal suffers pain.
Canine arthritis treatment in Dogs, as in People, is a Degenerative Disease
In fact dog lameness, or any alteration in the support, the onset of the disease may be intermittent or seasonal and little evident. The dog can still take long walks, play ball, swim or take a stick, hiding the pain you have.
But as osteoarthritis progresses, the situation worsens, increases the degree of joint degeneration and pain is evident: the animal limps continuously, prevents movement and even shows pain with simple palpation of the affected joints.
Besides limping dog, there are other symptoms that can make us suspect that our dog can suffer joint pain and therefore getting osteoarthritis:
Difficulty in walking or getting to sit and lie down (do it very slowly and awkward postures).
Are reluctant to leave home to walk and when they do it costs follow (sometimes, even though we walk slowly).
Canine arthitis medication does your dog no longer enjoys exercising
Decreased appetite (malaise can create their appetite).
Changes in behavior caused by the constant pain:
Nervousness and insomnia at night.
Irritability and even aggression. The dog is irritable and does not want to be touched or petted, particularly near the affected joints.
Unfortunately there is no cure for canine osteoarthritis. However you should not assume that your dog has to live with the pain and signs associated with it.
Modern veterinary medicine can do much to improve the quality of life of sick dogs. Key to this is the establishment as soon as possible a comprehensive control program designed canine osteoarthritis
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