
Sharpei Dogs

10 Characteristics of Temperament and Physiognomy of Sharpei Dogs

This dog is sober and dignified with wrinkled skin, on his head, frowning and expression stands firm on the ground with a calm, is unparalleled the beautiful sharpei dogs. Natural, clean and easy to educate, quiet and educated at home, sharpei dog is an impressive companion if you can establish a relationship of mutual respect, […]

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Vaccines for dogs

Vaccines for Dogs Something of Importance for the Life of Your Pet

There are vaccines to help prevent many diseases that affect dogs. Vaccines for dogs have been considered as one of the easiest ways to help your dog live a healthy life and there are not only different vaccines for different diseases, there are different types and combinations of vaccines.   Although vaccines for dogs have

Vaccines for Dogs Something of Importance for the Life of Your Pet Leer más »

Xoloitzcuintli dog for adoption

Get to know in depth the Breed of Xoloitzcuintli dog

The Xoloitzcuintli dog breed, sometimes called Xolo alone, may well have descended from the first dogs to set foot on the North American continent. In their native Mexico and Central America, they were popular ‘doctors’: the warmth their bodies give comfort to people with arthritis and other ailments. People still like to cuddle with them

Get to know in depth the Breed of Xoloitzcuintli dog Leer más »