Siamese Cats Diseases: 9 Recurrent that They Suffer

There are certain  Siamese cats diseases, the Siamese is one of the most popular breeds as pets cats.

His temperament is calm and is a very loyal companion and pet owners. Siamese cats really enjoy the company of people, they are very sociable. In general, this breed is healthy, but may have some complications you need to know.


One of the most common diseases that can suffer a Siamese cat respiratory infections are viral or bacterial transmission.

A sign of this infection are repetitive sneezing more than usual. Also present a runny nose and eyes and your mood will drop safely.

This condition can be serious since not able to have the sense of smell, the cat will probably stop eating. In this case it is advisable to take it to a veterinarian to prescribe the right treatment and find a way to give the cat food so you do not weaken.

Common Siamese Cats Diseases

The Siamese cat may also suffer from heart disease. The signs of this disease can be noted by observing their behavior: resistance exercise, difficulty breathing, decay. For any type of different symptom of what we see in everyday life, it is essential to consult with your doctor as soon as possible to rule out any serious illness and solve problems that arise at the time.

Siamese Cats Diseases are considered a very sociable breed, for their ability to learn and to be quite vocalizer. They are also known for being loving and very good companions.

In our breed x breed section, and you have the characteristics of the Siamese. In this note, we tell you some congenital diseases that can occur in these kittens.

Strabismus: An abnormal position of the eyeball. It comes from cranial injuries innervating striated muscles Extra ocular or cephalic happens in some positions with lesions in the vestibular system.

Breast Neoplasia: Presented at an average age of 10-12 years. Feline mammary tumors are malignant in 80-90% of cases. The  most common is adenocarcinoma presenting as solitary or multiple nodules or a diffuse swelling.

Conduct disorder: are a variety of behavioral changes, such as aggression, fear, etc..

Bronchial Asthma: is a condition Siamese Cats Diseases also known as chronic bronchitis and allergic bronchitis. Serotonin is the primary mediator in feline mast cells contributes to the respiratory smooth muscle contraction.


Siamese Cats Diseases prone

 Common Siamese Cats Diseases can be
noticed by observing their behaviors


Inhaled antigens within acute airways cause mast cell degranulation and thus the release of serotonin. This leads to sudden contraction of respiratory smooth muscle. The disease is often progressive with production of bronchiectasis and emphysema.

Food allergy: An adverse reaction to food with a proven immunologic basis. Food allergens are proteins almost exclusively,  and in particular glycoproteins. The reasons for the tendency of some allergens produce an allergic response are hardly understood.

Hip Dysplasia: The developmental abnormality of the hip joint that initially presents varying degrees of degenerative joint laxity and then remodel it.

Otitis: is inflammation of the ear canal in any of its parts, which may be associated with infection or infestation.

There are racial biases that generally correspond to the morphology of the pavilion and the canal. The (middle and inner) ear infections can cause peripheral vestibular disease.

Deafness: The absence or loss of the sense of hearing. The most common type is the congenital deafness, which can be partial or complete, of both or one ear.

Siamese Cats Diseases predisposed

Of electrodiagnostic techniques used to determine the extent of the pathology, recording evoked potentials auditoriums brainstem audiometry and impedance, are the most employment.

Siamese Cats skin Diseases are considered a very sociable breed, for their ability to learn and to be quite vocalizer


Hearing loss is secondary to degeneration, hypoplasia or aplasia of the spiral organ of the inner ear. Deafness in cats is linked to the gene W of total white.

Urolithiasis: is mainly stone formation in the bladder. The material in these structures may be: ammonium phosphate, struvite, calcium oxalate, urate, and magnesium silicate and also uric acid.

Remember, Siamese Cats Diseases always, it is important to have a trusted veterinarian with which to make the recommended retest, and which lead to our best friends if you notice any of these diseases or ailments.

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